Recognizing and Preventing Family Burnout
After several months of working from home and homeschooling kids before summer began, some households may be experiencing family burnout from spending much more time together than usual.
With most schools in North Carolina opting for a remote start to the school year and cases of COVID-19 still on the rise, it is likely that those with families may be spending a bit more time together than initially anticipated.
Family burnout can cause physical and/or emotional exhaustion and can make people much more easily annoyed by things that were once insignificant. It can put a real strain on marriages and on a parent’s relationship with their child(ren). However, households that are feeling quality time fatigue can take measures to ease family burnout and still be there for one another while maintaining a positive attitude.
Below are a couple ways to cope with family burnout.
Take time away from your spouse – Offer to run to the store or take care of some chores or yard work so that your spouse can have some time to relax and regroup alone. “Me” time is very important in times like this, even if it is just for a few minutes each day.
Establish and stick to a routine – This is especially important for families with children since structure can help prevent boredom and instances of acting out.
Switch things up for your kids – Plan a safe activity that takes them out of the house and gives them some independence.
Single parents also need “me” time – While it may be more difficult for a single parent to find some “me time”, it can still be done. Find age-appropriate activities that your child can do independently so you can relax. That could be chores, reading, or playing in their room.
While some families may be able to power through a burnout, the mental stress and relationship damage that can be caused by too much time together may be irreversible for others.
If you or someone you know is experiencing a burnout and may be considering separation, contact us today to schedule a consultation.