Initial Consultations
Before hiring an attorney to handle the sensitive and personal aspects involved in a divorce, child custody or other family law case, it is important to have the right fit between a client and attorney.
We believe that the best way to ensure the beginning of a strong attorney-client relationship is for you to meet with one of our attorneys and provide us with comprehensive information regarding your specific legal situation. This allows us to gain a clear understanding of your family law issues and also provides you with an opportunity to get to know the attorney and understand exactly how he or she can help you.
During this initial consultation, our attorneys listen carefully to the details of your situation, ask important questions that pinpoint the legal issues at hand, provide valuable guidance regarding your rights and obligations, and explain the options for dealing with your particular issue. Our experienced attorneys understand the emotional turmoil and confusion that many clients feel when confronted with a family law issue and we can help you face the challenges ahead.
Initial consultations are also an opportunity for you to learn more about an attorney’s legal knowledge and experience, and ultimately decide whether to hire our firm to help you.
Generally, we allow two hours for an initial consultation. However, there are times when these appointments will be shorter or longer. The timing usually depends on an individual’s circumstances and the relevant information discussed as the consultation progresses. The details discussed in consultations are strictly confidential and protected by the attorney-client privilege.
To get the most out of a consultation, it is important to be prepared. We suggest providing us with a timeline of significant events related to your matter, as well as copies of any applicable documentation, including pleadings, agreements, contracts and correspondence.
The cost for an initial consultation at Hatcher Law Group depends on the length of your meeting and the hourly rate of the attorney with whom you meet. Please contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment with a family law attorney.