Lake Norman Family Law Arbitration
The Lake Norman family law arbitration attorneys with Hatcher Law Group practice in only one area – family law. Because of that laser-like focus, we have the knowledge and experience needed to provide you with unparalleled Lake Norman family arbitration services. When you choose us to handle your divorce arbitration in Lake Norman NC, you can rest assured we will never treat you like a number. You will have our undivided attention, and we will always be accessible and responsive.
A Brief Explanation of Family Court Arbitration in Lake Norman NC
You might have heard of two methods to settle disputes regarding domestic law issues – mediation and Lake Norman family law arbitration. Here is a quick look at those differences.
- Mediation and family law arbitration in Lake Norman NC are both designed to settle disputes so they do not reach a courtroom. Both methods can save time as well as money.
- Both mediation and Lake Norman divorce arbitration involve a third party. In mediation, that person is known as the mediator. In divorce arbitration in Lake Norman NC, that person is the arbitrator.
- A mediator’s decision is nonbinding. However, the decision in a matter involving family court arbitration in Lake Norman NC is binding. Both parties agree beforehand to abide by the arbitrator’s decision.
What are the Benefits of Family Law Arbitration in Lake Norman NC?
There are several advantages to pursuing Lake Norman family law arbitration. Here are just a few.
- The evidence presented in a matter involving family law arbitration in Lake Norman NC is confidential.
- The costs of Lake Norman divorce arbitration are typically much lower than going to court.
- The arbitration setting is much less stressful, and much less formal, than a courtroom hearing.
Contact Hatcher Law Group
It is vital that you have the best possible representation if you are considering Lake Norman family law arbitration. If you would like to learn more about our Lake Norman family arbitration services, please contact us to schedule a consultation.