New Order and Emergency Directives Issued to Expand North Carolina Court Operations
Mecklenburg County Courthouse to Re-Open June 1
Announced today by Chief Justice Cheri Beasley, the North Carolina courts system has issued an emergency order regarding court operations across the state.The phased-approach of re-opening the courts will involve continuing and expanding remote hearings, gradually increasing in-person court appearances, and safely having court personnel return to work. Stringent health and safety precautions will be followed by all court staff to limit in-person contact as much as possible. Chief Justice Beasley’s entire announcement can be read here.
The Mecklenburg County Courthouse is set to begin a multi-phased approach to re-open on Monday, June 1, 2020. Though concern has been voiced that the courthouse is short on supplies and staff, the plan to safely re-open is still moving forward.
Even though the re-opening may come as good news for some, many citizens of our county should expect to be met with frustration as there will no doubt be a large backlog in waits for trials and hearings.
Fortunately, there are alternative ways to resolve family law disputes outside of the courtroom such as mediation and arbitration. Contact us to speak with one of our experienced family law attorneys today if this is something that you or someone you know would like to learn more about.