Hatcher Law Group Attorneys Awarded By Super Lawyers
Meet Our Attorneys: Alexis Sylvester
TikToks and Child Custody
Every day it seems like there is a new social media platform that children are using. While parents do their best to keep up, a child often find ways to stream and post content online. Tik Tok in particular has been on the rise. TikTok is a short-form, video-sharing...
Meet Our Partner: Paul A. DeJesse Jr.
50C No Contact Orders
In North Carolina, citizens have the right to obtain a civil no contact order, also called a 50C Order. In some family law cases, a party can have a no contact order issued by a Judge. Not everyone is able to seek this type of order. This type of protection is for...
Meet Our Attorneys: Kristen Speight
Can A Spouse Simply Not Work or Contribute to Support Themselves or The Kids?
After separating, the question becomes whether that spouse can simply not work or contribute to support for themself or his or her minor children. For example, in some family scenarios, one spouse may stay at home while the other works during the marriage and expects...
Hatcher Law Group Supports Baby Bundles
What is Condonation?
During a separation, spouses may accuse one another of acts of marital misconduct. In Chapter 50 of the North Carolina General Statutes, there is a list of actions that could constitute marital misconduct if committed by a spouse. Below are a few common...
Is Private School Something I Have To Pay For?
In North Carolina, child support is determined using the North Carolina Child Support Guidelines. If parents have a combined adjusted gross income of over $360,000.00 per year, they are not subject to the guidelines. Instead, the court will use its discretion to set a...