
TikToks and Child Custody

Every day it seems like there is a new social media platform that children are using. While parents do their best to keep up, a child often find ways to stream and post content online. Tik Tok in particular has been on the rise. TikTok is a short-form, video-sharing...

50C No Contact Orders

In North Carolina, citizens have the right to obtain a civil no contact order, also called a 50C Order.   In some family law cases, a party can have a no contact order issued by a Judge. Not everyone is able to seek this type of order. This type of protection is for...

What is Condonation?

During a separation, spouses may accuse one another of acts of marital misconduct. In Chapter 50 of the North Carolina General Statutes, there is a list of actions that could constitute marital misconduct if committed by a spouse. Below are a few common...

Is Private School Something I Have To Pay For?

In North Carolina, child support is determined using the North Carolina Child Support Guidelines. If parents have a combined adjusted gross income of over $360,000.00 per year, they are not subject to the guidelines. Instead, the court will use its discretion to set a...