
Visitation With Teenagers

In North Carolina Courts, the most important determination for the judge in a custody case is what is in the best interest of the minor child. North Carolina’s age of majority is 18 years old. Therefore, a child custody order governs visitation until that child turns...

Kids, Divorce, and School Success

A new academic year is underway and with every new school year comes a new list of challenges your child may endure. A child with divorced parents may face his or her own unique challenges. For parents, being well equipped on how to approach this school year can...

The Effects of Domestic Violence on Child Custody

Accusations of domestic violence can have a large impact on someone’s life. One of the biggest consequences of an accusation of domestic violence is the impact it has on claims for child custody and visitation. Under North Carolina Statute § 50B-1, domestic...

The Gray Divorce

"Gray Divorce" refers to divorces among spouses who are over 50 years old. You've likely recently seen numerous articles about the "gray divorce" because divorces are on the rise for those over 50 years old. Why? Some of the reasons include: Divorcing is more common...

What is A Prenuptial Agreement?

The state of North Carolina follows the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act (UPAA) to establish requirements for prenuptial agreements. A prenuptial agreement is essentially a contract between future spouses made prior to marriage. Although we expect our marriages to...

Military Divorce

Those serving face many challenges in protecting our Country, and one of the biggest obstacles faced centers family and loved ones back home. It is well known that anyone serving in the military can be reassigned to a new station at any time with very short notice....

Tips on Sorting Out Finances During a Divorce

For most people going through a divorce, the process can seem stressful and overwhelming. You not only have to deal with the emotions that result from a changing family dynamic, but you also have to think about your shared finances and assets. The logistical side of a...

A Guide to Beginning the Divorce Process

If you’re thinking about getting a divorce, you may wonder what the first steps you should take are. The divorce process may seem overwhelming at first, but there are a few things you can do to help make the process run smoother. Here are a few tips on how to navigate...